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Fryerning Lane, Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 0DF Tel. 01277 352 803 / Fax. 01277 356 397

School Information

  • Admissions


    Children start at Ingatestone Infant School in the September after their fourth birthday. We currently admit 45 children per year.

    Admissions for Foundation places are dealt with by the Local Authority. Essex County Council does not send letters to parents/carers about making an application. All of the application information is available on the website.Primary school places | Essex County Council


    A mid-year admission application should be made if you are looking to change your child's school during the school year. 

    If you are considering moving your son or daughter to Ingatestone Infant School, please take a look around the website to learn more about our school. You are also welcome to call or email the office to arrange a visit which should help you to decide if this is the right school for your child. 

    Please be aware that your child is not guaranteed a place at your preferred school. You should not remove your child from their school before you have received another offer.

    To apply to Ingatestone Infant School, please complete this form, and return by email to admin@ingatestone.essex.sch.uk

    Waiting list

    If you would like your child to join the school, but have established that there are no spaces in the year group through the application process, you may wish to join our waiting list. 

    To do so, please email admin@ingatestone.essex.sch.uk detailing your child's name, date of birth and your current address. 

    We ask you to contact the school TERMLY to remain on our waiting list and to advise of any change in circumstances (such as a new address).  

    We look forward to welcoming you to our school. 

    Admission arrangements for community schools https://www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Admissions/Documents/Determined_admissions_arrangments_Primary.pdf

    Application arrangement booklet  https://www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Admissions/Documents/Primary_Admissions_Booklet.pdf

  • Breakfast Club

    Teaching assistants from the school run a flourishing Breakfast Club each school day providing breakfast and supervised activities from 07.30. The children have a wide variety of choice fom cereal to toast and different juices are on offer. 

    Once breakfast is over it is time to socialise with our peers from the infant or junior school before school starts! 

    Please contact the office for more information regarding cost and booking of this provision. 

  • Wright Start after school club

    A local nursery (OFSTED registered) provides child care here in the school premises from 15.10 to 18.00 each day.

    Please contact Wright Start directly by clicking the logo if you are interested in using this facility for your child.

  • School Dinners

    School dinners are provided free to infant school children and are suppiled to us by our Junior School. Our dinner menu is on a three week rota, please CLICK BELOW for our menu.

    Please be aware that if you require the vegetarian/jacket potato/gluten or dairy free option for your child, this must be ordered by the Friday before the week that it is required.

    Please speak to the school office if your child has any allergies. Please click on link below for the current allergy list.




    Allergens Information Sheet


  • Milk

    The children are given the opportunity to enjoy a carton of milk during snack time which is provided free until they turn 5 years old. For more information, to register your child or pay for milk please head over to the Cool Milk website by clicking the carton. 





  • School Uniform

    Uniforms can be obtained from 'SmartyPants' Please click on their logo to be redirected to their website. 

    For your information.......

    At our school we run a ‘pre loved’ uniform system with an honesty box. You can find this in the reception area and it is always full of good quality, nearly new uniform. You could also swap some of your ‘pre loved’ uniform, which your child has out grown, for another family to benefit from with a larger item. Our League of Friends also run a ‘pre-loved’ uniform shop during their events.

    We also provide financial support to families in order to provide uniform. In the first instance if you could speak to the office and we will see how we can help you.

    Finally you will find more information with regards to uniform in our policy.

    In winter the children wear:

    • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
    • Pale blue polo top with the school logo
    • Navy blue jumper, cardigan or sweater with the school logo
    • Tights or long socks

    In summer the children wear:

    • Dark blue gingham dresses.
    • Short grey trousers if they prefer

    For PE the children wear:

    • Plain white polo shirt
    • Plain blue shorts
    • Plain coloured trainers (non-marking soles), plimsolls are not acceptable. 

    * Tracksuits are not required for the children in the Foundation Stage classes.

    We also work with a label company called Stikins. Please use the code 35538 when ordering to help raise money for the school. 

    please click the logo to be diverted to the website.    

  • School Development Plan
  • Performance Data

    School Performance Data 2023

    For more information regarding National data, please click here

  • Pupil Premium
  • Sports Funding
  • Special Educational Needs

    Please click here for information regarding our SEN Information Report.

    Please click here for information regarding our SEN policy.

    Please click here for more information about Essex Local Offer.

    Please click here for more information about SEND Autumn term report to governors 2022

  • Guidance on infection control in schools

    Please click here to read the guidance as outlined from the Public Health England.

  • Becoming a teacher

    Please click here to find out more about training to become a teacher with Billericay Scitt.


  • Schools financial benchmarking service

    For information regarding our school's financial benchmarking, please click here

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