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Fryerning Lane, Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 0DF Tel. 01277 352 803 / Fax. 01277 356 397

Extra Curricular

Monday 3.05 - 4.10pm Football Pass FC
Wednesday 3.05 - 4.10pm Sports Bonanza Super Star Sports
Thursday 12.30 - 1pm French Club La Jolie Ronde
Friday - AM Piano & Singing lessons John Pierce Welsh Tenor


"They make football fun"

"I like tackling and the sound my foot makes when I kick the ball"

"I like scoring goals"

Sports Bonanza

"I like it when we do archery"

"It is fun playing all the different ball games"

"I like all the different games we play"


French Club

"I am learning to count"

"The class is fun"


All these clubs are available for our Key Stage 1 children 

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